International Tax Practitioners

International Tax Practitioners

A Global Alliance of Independent Firms

International Business Advisory Services

multinational business advisoryInternational business owners and global organizations need the support and direction of a qualified financial advisor to plan for their long term growth. International Tax Practitioners is a valuable resource for all kinds of businesses setting up operations across borders or overseas. Our network of financial professionals provide high quality business consulting and advisory services from offices in over a dozen countries worldwide.

In our rapidly evolving business climate, International Tax Practitioners offers the financial clarity and technical competence to help you achieve your goals. We're not just CPAs and accountants, we're problem solvers who understand the financial challenges you face and will find meaningful solutions. We are determined to make an enduring impact on your business processes that will translate into tangible financial results. We can assist with negotiating mergers and acquisitions, minimizing foreign tax liabilities, facilitating business reorganizations, and much more.

The business advisory team at International Tax Practitioners takes a client-focused approach to maximizing financial opportunities for international organizations. Call us today at 212-537-5951 to learn more about how our unique skill set can benefit your multinational business or request a consultation online.

Our advisory services for multinational businesses include:

  • Business consulting
  • Business reorganization
  • Mergers, acquisitions, and due diligence
  • Transactional advisory
  • Consulting for family businesses
  • Support with long-term business growth goals
  • International support
  • Accounting and auditing